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Cont./Peak Current: 120A/760A
Input: 2-4S LiPo/6-12 Cells NiMH
BEC Output - Switch Mode: 6V/7.4V,3A
Size: 49.0x39.5x34.7mm
Weight: 105g
KV Rating: 2S LiPo: up to 6000KV, 3S LiPo: up to 4000KV, 4S LiPo: up to 3000KV (36XX Series of Motors)
Built with the most rugged and high-quality components and coupled with cutting-edge firmware, the EzRun MAX10 SCT is able to deliver unmatched power and performance for even the most hardcore applications. With incredible acceleration capabilities and a rock-solid, stable output, the MAX10 SCT can handle instant full-torque start-ups for wheelies, high-speed racing on straightaways, and powering through the bumpiest terrian. The MAX10 SCT features an electronic switch with a lifespan of over 50000 on/off cycles,
housed in a completely waterproof, dust-prood and shock-resistant design.